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Online-event: Saving lives is not a crime: legal aspects of rescue at sea in Europe

The humanitarian disaster in the Mediterranean is still ongoing: in 2023 alone, over 2,500 people drowned, much more are missing. Sate-coordinated sea rescue and the creation of safe and legal pathways are central to address the loss of lives at sea. This contrasts with the fact that civil society organisations are often forced to take long detours or wait for days at sea before they can reach a safe harbour. Upon arrival, people seeking protection and sea rescuers are increasingly criminalised and vessels are detained.

The Refugee Law Clinic Berlin and the Chair of Law and Migration at Humboldt-University Berlin are jointly organising an information and discussion event on the legal and factual classification of rescue at sea in the Mediterranean:


"Saving lives is not a crime: legal aspects of rescue at sea in Europe"

13 February 2024, 18:00-19:30



  • Ruben Neugebauer (Sea Watch; Leave No One Behind)

  • Alessandra Sciurba (Università degli Studi di Palermo; Legal Clinic for Human Rights Palermo)

  • Ulrich Stege (International University College of Turin [IUC] - Migrants’ Rights Clinic Turin; Sea-Eye [Legal Team])

Moderation: Pauline Endres de Oliveira (Humboldt-University Berlin, Refugee Law Clinic Berlin) 



Meeting-ID: 617 9480 3142Password: 295416

The event will be held in English. Questions can be sent to



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