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The 400 members of the RLC Berlin are united in their commitment to access to justice for all. In addition to many students, people from different professional and age groups are involved with us. The various projects of the association are coordinated by the board and the office and actively supported by our association members.

Board of Directors

elected on February 3rd, 2021


The next general meeting is on February 18th, 2022


Our board of directors works on a voluntary basis and is in close contact with our office and all those involved in the association. Monthly organizational meetings, which are open to all members of the association, form the starting point of our varied work. 

Isabel Bento Bilbao.jpg

Laura Conrad


Laura completed the 2019/20 training cycle and has been working as a consultant ever since. She has been co-chair of the association since February 2021.

Zoran Bulut


Isabel ist eine in Spanien zugelassene Rechtsanwältin. Sie lebt seit mehreren Jahren in Deutschland und arbeitet im Bereich Migrations- und Asylrecht. Seit dem Abschluss des Fortbildungszyklus 2021/2022 berät sie im Team Neukölln. Seit Februar 2024 ist sie Co-Vorsitzende des Vorstandes der RLC Berlin.

Pronomen: sie/ihr

Jacob Feddersen

Sofiya Khabyuk studiert Jura an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und ist seit 2024 im Vorstand. Sie ist fester Bestandteil der AG Finanzen und AG Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie AG Veranstaltung und Vernetzung.

Pronomen: sie/ihr


Paula Milanowski 

Paula completed a bachelor's degree in geography with a focus on political geography and migration in Berlin and Lisbon in 2018. She is currently in her fourth semester studying law at Humboldt University and is taking part in the RLC training cycle. 

Nikita Tomilov


Nikita studiert im Bachelor Law an der European Humanitarian Universität in Vilnius und ist seit Februar 2024 Schatzmeister der RLC.
Er ist fester Bestandteil der AG Finanzen und AG Beratung.

Pronomen: er/sie

Jule Gensler

Jule studiert seit 2023 Jura an der HU Berlin, davor hat sie einen Bachelor in Politikwissenschaften gemacht. Sie berät seit August 2022 im Team Neukölln und ist seit 2024 Mitglied des Vorstands. Sie engagiert sich vor allem in den AGs Antidiskriminierung und Finanzen.

Pronomen: sie/ihr


Lorenz Böttcher

Lorenz has been studying law at Humboldt University since 2016. He completed our training cycle in 2017 and has already served on the board as treasurer between 2017 and 2019. 

Nora Gohrt

Emil studiert Jura an der Humboldt-Universität und besucht gerade den zweiten Teil des Ausbildungszyklus. Danach möchte er selber in die Beratung einsteigen. Den ersten Kontakt mit Migrationsrecht hatte er während eines Praktikums im Europäischen Parlament.
Seit 2024 ist er Teil des Vorstandes und bringt sich vor allem in den AGs Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Veranstaltung und Vernetzung ein.
Pronomen: er/ihm

Esma Abderrahmane

Esma is a 2nd semester law student at Humboldt University and is currently still in the 2020/2021 training cycle. She has been a part of the board since February 2021.


Nora Gohrt

Susanne studiert seit 2021 Jura an der Humboldt Universität und berät seit August 2022 im Beratungsteam Neukölln. Im Vorstand ist sie seit 2024 aktiv und arbeitet vor allem in der AG Antidiskriminierung und AG Beratung. Pronomen: sie/ihr


Abdulkader Birawi

Abdulkader is studying mechatronics at the BHT for his bachelor's degree and has been a member of the office since October 2021. He is an integral part of the Public Relations working group and the Finance working group.

Our lecturers of the training cycle

Winter semester 2021/22

Pauline Endres de Oliveira & Barbara Wessel


Summer semester 2022

Johanna Coat

Every year, with our lecture series, we offer free access to information on asylum and residence law and at the same time train new legal advisors for the RLC Berlin. We could never implement this concept without our great lecturers, who give a comprehensive lecture every year that is always oriented towards the latest topics in the field of asylum and residence law. Thank you for your support!


Pauline Endres de Oliveira

Pauline Endres de Oliveira works at the Justus Liebig University in a  Research project on global migration  and is doing his doctorate on the legal aspects of safe access routes for those seeking protection in the EU. Pauline has been a lecturer for the RLC Berlin since 2015. Pauline is a member of Amnesty International's Asylum Commission, a board member of the human rights organization 
JUMEN  and  Member of the Editorial Board of the Constitution Blog .

Barbara Wessel

Barbara Wessel has been a lecturer at the RLC Berlin since the winter semester 2020/2021. She has been working as a lawyer since 2002, specializing in asylum and residence law and family law. She also advises on  Lesbian and gay association in Germany  as well as with the  Lesbian counseling Berlin eV  on all asylum, residence and family law issues, especially for binational couples.

Johanna Coat

Johanna Mantel works as a legal officer and co-editor of the asylum magazine at the Asylum and Migration Information Network ( ). Since the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin was founded, she has been teaching asylum and residence law as a lecturer at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

care of the supervision

Due to the legal advice we offer, there is an obligation for our advisors to regularly take part in a supervision. Our supervision is overseen by qualified lawyers who are themselves active in asylum and residence law. We also use the supervision to ensure that our advisors remain up to date in the legal field in order to be able to ensure the quality of the advice, among other things. Apart from the regular appointments, our advisors can email our supervisors at any time to obtain an expert opinion on urgent questions. We therefore appreciate the great support provided by our supervisors.

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