Our supporters and cooperation partners
We want to thank everybody who has supported us with numerous private donations in the past.
Also we want to thank all private persons, NGOs and associations that have supported or are still supporting our work.
A further thank you goes especially to these supporters:

As a student association we would like to thank the Humboldt University which has supported our association since our beginning and also provides us with the premises for our office at the university.
The Humboldt University's support is essential for the work of our association. Thank you very much!

Thank you very much to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The financial means given to us by the Federal Ministry are mainly used to finance the teaching assignments for our lectures and workshops for the further training of our legal advisors.

Die CMS Stiftung unterstützt die RLC Berlin als Förderpartnerin, indem sie einen Teil der Supervisionskosten übernimmt. Diese Förderung ermöglicht eine professionelle Begleitung der ehrenamtlichen Berater: innen, wodurch die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit der rechtlichen Unterstützung für Geflüchtete weiter gestärkt werden. Herzlichen Dank für die essenzielle Unterstützung, die uns hilft, das Herz der RLC aufrecht zu erhalten

We are part of the federal organisation Refugee Law Clinics Germany which arranges funding, provides us with workshops on different topics and gives us the opportunity to connect with other Refugee Law Clinics in Germany.

We also want to thank the members of our association. Without their financial support and engagement our work would not be possible.

We are part of the federal organisation Refugee Law Clinics Germany which arranges funding, provides us with workshops on different topics and gives us the opportunity to connect with other Refugee Law Clinics in Germany.
Women in Exile & Friends
Women in Exile & Friends supports provides the premises of our women counseling in Neukölln. Thank you for this valuable cooperation!