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There are no fair asylum procedures without legal counseling

The Refugee Law Clinic Berlin e.V. is a student association at the Humboldt University of Berlin.  We provide free of charge and independent legal counseling for refugees and migrants in Berlin and on the greek island of Samos. 

The Concept of the Law Clinic

The concept of the Law Clinic is to produce a win-win-situation:

On the one hand students can specialize in a field of law and to practice what they have learned while being under legal supervision. On the other hand we offer low-threshold and free legal counseling.

Access to justice for all

Being given rights does not automatically mean to also be able to get access to these rights.

Especially for refugees and migrants there are several barriers when it comes to the enforcement of their rights. That is why they are guaranteed procedural counseling by European law in order to secure a faire asylum procedure. This guarantee is neither being completely fulfilled in Germany nor at Europe's external borders. 


More migration law in legal studies

In order to prepare committed people for our counseling we offer a training cycle in asylum and residence law. With those lectures we close a gap in the University's curriculum as there are no lectures on this topic in the Berlin law schools despite its high relevance.


We strive for more state responsibility 

When it comes to the asylum procedure he german administration is often unsatisfactory. We keep up our work as a societal responsibility but strive for clear responsibility of the state: It cannot be the task of private organizations and volunteers to make up for the delay of the state!


We stand for progressive migration politics: #LeaveNoOneBehind

A critical perspective on the European migration policies shows that Europe does not fulfill its role as a human rights based union of values. With our legal counseling project on the greek island of Samos we actively take a stand against the European isolation policies at the Union's borders. In doing that we take on our societal responsibility and are open for constructive cooperations and partnerships fighting for access to justice and progressive migration policies.

Anker 1
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